Your Body.
Your Upgrade.

Tour our technology and receive a FREE Cell Health Analysis during your visit. You’ll leave with a plan that will help you reach your goals. It’s you, Upgraded!

Why you should upgrade

Discover how Upgrade Labs can transform your health journey in just 5 minutes! Take our quick online quiz to uncover your personalized treatment plan, tailored to what matters most to you. Whether it’s pain reduction, weight loss, recovery, or longevity, our solutions are designed to meet your unique needs. Start your journey today!

Performance Icon


Our Performance based services have been proven to advance the process of sports performance through adaptive technology and software (biohacking). These machines accelerate the time it generally takes for cardio, weightlifting and oxygen training to adapt through your body, creating a day’s/ week’s worth of training in a fraction of the time.

Recovery Icon


Our Recovery services can help you with detoxification, excess water removal, immune system strengthening, efficient energy production and much more. Discover how each of our modalities, including our FDA approved services, will aid in the Upgraded version of you.

Member testimonials

take a tour of upgrade labs®

Tour our technology and receive a FREE Cell Health Analysis during your visit. You’ll leave with a plan that will help you reach your goals. It’s you, Upgraded!

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