Section 3 – Why Upgrade Labs (Coming Soon Locations)


We want to see our members live healthier, longer! Our team is dedicated to improving one’s longevity and health-span, without having to spend hours every day to achieve wellness goals. Our technology focuses on:

Result Tracking with Cell Health Analysis

The Cell Health Analysis uses electrical sonar to measure and track key measurements of your physical health. It is important to learn what is happening on the inside so we can get a baseline for future changes. We take pride in your progress and we want you to see how our Upgrade services are helping you reach your goals. Our members have unlimited access to scans, which allows regular monthly tracking of muscle mass, bodyfat, visceral fat, water, and systemic cellular health.


Having a regular workout routine is important to increasing and maintaining your muscle mass and bone density: two things the body relies on to stay healthy as we physically age. Our Performance based services have been proven to advance the process of sports performance through adaptive technology and software (biohacking). These machines accelerate the time it generally takes for cardio, weightlifting and oxygen training to adapt through your body, creating a day/weeks’ worth of training in a fraction of the time. These workouts are optimized to increase your muscle mass and bone density, in a minimum amount of time invested. We want to see you live healthier, longer– and without giving up all your time to do so!


The “Silent Killer” in the US is inflammation: it slows down our body’s recovery time for injuries, illnesses, and even being sore from a workout. The reason we use ice on injuries or ibuprofen for a headache is to reduce inflammation in the body and allow your immune system to heal. Our Recovery services can help you with reducing your body’s inflammation so you can recover faster. These FDA approved services provide your body with detoxification, excess water removal, immune system strengthening, efficient energy production and much much more. Whether you are recovering from surgery, want to improve recovery time after a workout, or are interested in preventative health, our services can lead to an Upgraded version of you and your body’s health-span.